Resources for Families and Communities Strengthening Families. Nurturing Children.

Parenting is hard work. Even the most experienced caregivers can use a little help navigating the challenging parts. It takes a community of parents, caregivers, and RESOURCES to help children thrive.

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ACES - Trauma Informed Care

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) your community helps create safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments.

Be Strong and Flexible

No one can eliminate stress from parenting; but building parental resilience can affect how a parent deals with stress. Parental resilience is the ability to constructively cope with and bounce back from all types of challenges.

Social Connections

Social Connections help parents build networks of support that serve multiple purposes. They can help parents develop and reinforce community norms around child rearing. They provide assistance in times of need. They serve as a resource for parenting information or help solving problems. Because isolation is a common risk factor for abuse and neglect, parents who are isolated need support in building positive friendships.

Concrete Support in Times of Need

Parents need access to the types of concrete support and services that can minimize the stress of difficult situations, such as a family crisis, a condition such as substance abuse, or stress associated with lack of resources. Building this protective factor is about helping to ensure the basic needs of a family, such as food, clothing, and shelter are met. Also, building this protective factor is about connecting parents and children to services, especially those that have a stigma associated with them, like domestic violence shelters or substance abuse counseling, in times of crisis.

Knowledge of Parenting: Part Natural & Part Learned

Having accurate information about rearing your children with appropriate expectations for their behavior helps parents better understand and care for children. It is important that information is available when parents need it, that is, when it is relevant to their life and their child. Parents whose own families used harsh discipline techniques or parents of children with developmental/behavioral problems or special needs, requires extra support in building this protective factor.

Social and Emotional Competence of Children

A child’s ability to interact positively with others, self-regulate, and to effectively communicate his or her emotions has a great impact on the parent/child relationship. Children with challenging behaviors are more likely to be abused; so early identification and working with them help keep their development on track and keep them safe. Also, children who have experienced or witnessed violence need a safe environment that offers opportunities to develop normally.

If a child tells you he or she has been abused, do the following:

  1. Remain calm and listen to the child
  2. Do not make promises. Instead, let the child know that you will seek assistance
  3. Report the abuse
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If someone is in immediate danger, call 911.

Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Anyone can report suspected child abuse or neglect. Reporting abuse or neglect can protect a child and help a family.

Ways to Report Abuse

  • Call: 1.855.GACHILD (+1 855-422-4453)
  • Call 1.800.4.A.CHILD or 1.800.422.4453 (National Hotline Number)
  • Check out the Child Abuse and Neglect page for the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services for more information.



Child abuse can be found in all cultures, societies, and nationalities. It occurs across all demographic and economic groups. However, child abuse is preventable. No child is born to experience abuse, but many do experience it. True child protection starts with you. Awareness, knowledge, connections and a willingness to act when we see or suspect abuse can make a difference in the lives of future generations. Child abuse is not something that just happens to other people’s children; it can happen to ours too. The abuse of children thrives when we don't speak up. Break the silence.


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