Diaper Bank No Child Wet Behind
Prevent Child Abuse Bulloch has created a diaper bank for the Statesboro/Bulloch County community. At this time diapers are distributed to families in need by the agency’s staff and volunteers. In the future the diaper bank will collect, store, and distribute free diapers to collaborative partner agencies. This will limit unnecessary duplication of services, reduce administrative expenses and work to solve a basic human need for infants and young children. Families that need diapers, will probably have other needs. Local social service agencies are best qualified to meet those needs and become a collaborative partner agency of the diaper bank.

Through work with new parents, Prevent Child Abuse Bulloch County staff was made aware of the need that some families have for assistance with diapers. The agency began purchasing and accepting donations of diapers to distribute to these families. As word spread about this service, the requests for diapers grew.
According to the National Diaper Bank Network, diaper need is defined as the lack of a sufficient amount of diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy. Babies require up to 12 diapers a day, at a cost of $70-$80 per month per baby—a cost many families cannot afford. The consequences of diaper need include babies being exposed to potential health risks and parents being unable to work since they are unable to provide a day’s supply of disposable diapers to their child’s daycare.
Resources for free or discounted diapers are few in the community. Programs like Food Stamps (EBT), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Women’s Infants and Children (WIC) cannot be used to purchase diapers. The goal of the local diaper bank is to bridge the gap in available resources for the neediest and most vulnerable in our community. We can reach our goal by providing diapers to qualified partner agencies.